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Why is colombia so diverse - why is colombia so diverse- Colombia - OTCA
The key lies in its varied ecosystems. In Colombia, it is possible to travel from desert to alpine tundra within a few days, passing through jungles, along rivers and over seas. The Andes split into three ranges in Colombia, and all of those deep valleys and divisions have made for remarkable endemism, as new species evolved in isolation. One area worth highlighting is the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a small coastal mountain range which is older than the Andes.
According to National Geographic, this is the most irreplaceable ecosystem on Earth, due to its high concentration of endemic and threatened species. With Culture Trip, you can enjoy a guided hike through the Tayrona National Park in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta on our epic eight-day Colombian Caribbean adventure, led by our local insider.
Look out for howler monkeys, iguanas, and possibly even jaguars! Little wonder, then, that the indigenous people who call the area home consider it to be the heart of the world. When it comes to biodiversity, one could perhaps say the same of Colombia.
However, this stunning nature is under threat. It is one of the greatest assets Colombia has, and ecotourism is growing into a key aspect of its strategy for protecting ecosystems and wildlife. We and our partners use cookies to better understand your needs, improve performance and provide you with personalised content and advertisements.
To allow us to provide a better and more tailored experience please click "OK". Sign Up Log In. You're back! Log in to see your past and present bookings. The ethnic diversity of Colombia is a result of interactions between indigenous peoples, Spanish colonizers, and African slaves. Colombia boasts an ethnic diversity of around 85 different ethnic groups.
Most Colombians identify with the various ethnicities on the basis of skin color, ancestry or social status. Colombia According to the World Wildlife Fund, Colombia is the number one most diverse country when considering the number of species per square kilometer.
According to the Census, Blacks, Mulattoes, Pardos and Zambos. Predominantly in the Pacific Region, Caribbean Region and urban areas across the country.
For example, Mexicans, Argentinians, Colombians, among others are considered Hispanics. They can also be considered Latinos, as they are each part of a Latin American country. So going by the traditional definition, Mexicans can be classified as both Hispanics and Latinos.
Germans have been immigrating to Colombia since at least 17th century. Maine The census shows that Maine remains the whitest state in the nation but is becoming more diverse. But the numbers decreased slightly from There is an important community of Romani people in Colombia consisting Colombians of Romani descent and are scattered throughout the country.
The various ethnic groups exist in differing distributions throughout the nation, in a pattern that to some extent goes back to colonial origins. American Indians , or Indigenous peoples of Colombia, are the ethnic groups who have been in Colombia prior to the Europeans in the early 16th century. Colombia officially acknowledges three ethnic minority groups: the Afro-Colombian, indigenous, and Romani populations.
The Afro-Colombian population consists mainly of blacks, mulattoes, raizales, palenqueros, and zambos a term used since colonial times for individuals of mixed Amerindian and black ancestry. Some of the most species-rich biomes on the planet, like tropical forests, wetlands and mangroves, are found there.
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